One year ago I launched a blog that I wanted to be simple and elegant. With the beginning of 2018 upon us, now felt like a good time to give it a quick refresh.
The Pelican Way, v.2.0
Time is a precious commodity when pursuing a PhD. So rather than starting from scratch again, I stayed with Pelican. This has the added advantage of requiring no migration of existing content.
I also used all the added awesomeness in the latest version of Bulma - a CSS framework you should seriously check out. It's based on Flexbox and much lighter than, say, the popular Bootstrap. The templates, by @dsup where a good source of inspiration.
For the favicon, I used, by @johnsorrentino, which also happens to be using Bulma!
Generally, I tried to keep it as light and simple as possible, with mainly css and some pure javascript when needed. There likely remain some quirks that I will iron out as I go.